International Conference
January 2 - 5, 2025 
London, England, UK

Royal College of Music
Prince Consort Road
London, UK


International Conductors Guild
Dr. Claire Fox Hillard, President
Ms. Jan Wilson, Executive Director

**Please note:  The International Conductors Guild reserves the right to change/modify session times and presenters.

**Registration - Stop by the registration table in the RCM lobby - everyone MUST have a name badge
                           before entering Amaryllis Fleming Hall. 
 Walk-ins are welcome!

**Mentoring Sessions - sign-up in advance, or when you arrive, for one-on-one mentoring sessions with highly
                                        experienced colleagues, ready to share their knowledge with you! Mentoring sessions
                                        will be scheduled individually and throughout each day. 
Contact Mentorship Co-Chairs,
                                        Larry Isaacson and Peter Stafford Wilson at: [email protected]
if you have not signed up in advance. 

**Exhibitors are located in Amaryllis Fleming Hall. Please visit their displays throughout the sessions.

**Group Dinners and Entertainment sign up sheets are available at the registration desk

**RCM CafeSandwiches, snacks, sweets, coffee, tea, soda, etc. are available at your own expense.


Thursday, January 2, 2025 - optional, reservations required / pay at the door

"Connect and Re-Connect"

"Connect with Colleagues Party"!  Join your colleagues in the Cast Iron Bar & Grill area of the Marriott London Kensington Hotel, 147C Cromwell Road, for a social get-together prior to the beginning of conference sessions.  Arrive at the Marriott, settle in, and gather with your conference colleagues for an evening of laughter, stories, photos, and much more. Pick up your red ticket at the registration desk - good for one beer, soda, or wine, plus warm 
hors d'oeuvres. Additional drinks available at your own expense.

Location - Marriott London Kensington Hotel - 147C Cromwell Road, London (near Gloucester Rd. Tube)

Reservations and payment $35/person are required for the Connect Party. See the registration form or contact Jan Wilson:  [email protected]   



Friday, January 3, 2025    All Sessions in Amaryllis Fleming                                                                         Hall,
                                                               Royal College of Music,
                                                               Prince Consort Rd, London

7:30am - 8:30am                       

Breakfast on your own - 

8:30am - 9:00pm

Conference Registration
Royal College of Music - Lobby

**Stop by the registration table in the RCM lobby - 
everyone MUST have a name badge before
entering the Amaryllis Fleming Concert Hall.
Wear your name badge at all times, please.


9:15am - 9:30am

Welcome to London and the 2025 Conference of the International Conductors Guild!

Claire Fox Hillard, President, International Conductors Guild

9:40am - 10:10am

 Rebecca Nederhiser
"Trailblazers:  Exploring Works by British Women Composers"

10:15am - 10:45am

Bernd Ruf
"Classical Crossover as a particular challenge 
for conductors"

10:45am - 11:00am

Break - sandwiches, coffee, tea, soda, and snacks are available at the
           RCM Cafe - in the lobby area. Pay on your own.

11:05am - 11:35am

Hildegard Schön
"Conducting leadership - Building an online and
training business"

11:40am - 12:10pm Alexander Adiarte
"Conducting Our Future"
12:15pm - 1:30pm

Lunch on your own - RCM Cafe - sandwiches, snacks,
           coffee, tea, and soda are available in the lobby area.
           We encourage you to take part as there are not many nearby
           restaurants.  Pay on your own.

1:40pm - 2:45pm

Roundtables - all are invited to participate

2:50pm - 3:20pm

 Majella Clarke
"The Role of Technology in Expanding Conducting
Practice and its Aesthetic Implications"

3:25pm - 3:55pm Lawrence Golan
"Score Study Passes; Holst’s The Planets"

4:00pm - 4:30pm

Peter Linnitt, Librarian
Royal College of Music

4:30pm - 4:45pm

Break - Visit our Exhibitors and the RCM Cafe in the lobby area
       for coffee, 
tea, soda, sandwiches, and snacks! 
       Pay on your own.

4:50pm - 5:20pm

Jon Mitchell
"Gustav Holst:  Composer and Conductor as Music Educator"

5:25pm - 5:55pm

 Dominic Grier
"George Hurst (1926-2012) - Pedagogy, Performance,
and Influence"

6:00pm - 6:30pm

Gregory Peterson
"The Other March King:  Kenneth J. Alford"


 Dinner on your own
**Be sure to check the ICG Conference app and/or Group Dinner
sign-up sheets!


 Saturday, January 4, 2025 - All Sessions in Amaryllis Fleming Hall,
                                                                   Royal College of Music,
                                                                  Prince Consort Road, London

7:30am - 8:30am

Breakfast on your own 

8:15am - 8:45am

International Conductors Guild - Board of Directors Meeting -  
Location: Royal College of Music, Fleming Hall
RCM opens at 8am 

8:30am - 9:00am

Registration  - continued - RCM Lobby

9:00am - 9:30am

 Lauren Reynolds
"Trancendence:  The Music of Henry L. Dorn"

9:40am - 10:10am

Carolyn Watson
"The 1874 Project:  A Commissioning Initiative at the
University of Illinois"

10:15am - 11:30am

Julian Lloyd Webber, OBE 


11:45am - 12:30pm

Debbie Wiseman, OBE, Classic FM’s Composer in Residence - a conversation with American/British composer,  Mike Ladouceur 

12:30pm - 1:30pm

Lunch Break - RCM Cafe - sandwiches, snacks, coffee, tea, 
                         soda and sweets will be available. Pay on your own.

1:30pm - 3:30pm

Conductor Workshop  - Mark Wigglesworth
Participating Conductors - 
Sam Scheer - Royal College of Music, London, UK
Dr. Dominique Royem - Fort Bend Symphony Orchestra, TX, USA
Alexander Adiarte - Stuttgarter Musikschule, DE

Violin I - Juliette Roos
Violin II - Tanja Roos
Viola - Yume Fujise
Violoncello - Eliza Millett
Kontrabass - Toby Hughes
Keyboard - Jeremy Cooke

3:45pm - 4:15pm Mark Wigglesworth - a conversation with Toby Purser

"The Silent Musician ~ Why Conducting Matters"

4:15pm - 4:30pm Break - Visit our Exhibitors and the RCM Cafe!
4:30pm - 5:00pm Nicholas Palmer - a conversation with Jonathan Allen
"Creating the perfect recording - an Abbey Road Experience"

5:10pm - 5:40pm

International Conductors Guild Annual Membership Meeting
Election of Directors
Election of Officers
Other Business
**This session is for active, paid members of the
   International Conductors Guild, only. 


Dinner - be sure to sign up for Group Dinners at the
Registration Desk or on the app!


Sunday, January 5, 2024 - All Sessions in Amaryllis Fleming Hall,
                                                            Royal College of Music,
                                                            Prince Consort Road, London

7:00am - 8:00am

Breakfast on your own

8:30am - 9:00am

 Cynthia Katsarelis
"An Approach to Successful Social
Engagement Projects"

9:05am - 9:35am

 Edward Cumming
"What Brahms is trying to tell us....are we listening?"

9:40am - 10:10am

Yunn-Shan Ma
"Unearthing a Hidden Gem: The Historical and
Practical Significance of Gustav Holst"

10:15am - 10:45am

 Paul Richard Jenkins
"Pictorial Phrase Analysis"


10:50am - 11:20am

 Michael Mishra
"Insurance Policies and "Immodest Analogies": The
original version of Shostakovich's 9th Symphony"


11:30am - 12:00pm

Richard Brunson
"Ralph Vaughan Williams's "The Pilgrims' Progress" -
  Problems and Solutions for Future  Performances"


12:05pm - 12:35pm

Yajie Ye
“The Conductor as Innovator and Adaptor: Creativity and
   Collaboration in Recording Sessions”